9 Types Of Narakas Or Hells As Per Hindu Religion
Hell according to Hinduism
Hinduism views the afterlife as involving multiple worlds, such as heavens and hells. Hell, or Narak, as is known in Hinduism is a representation of the negative consequences of one’s actions in life.These hells are believed to be temporary stages in the cycle of reincarnation, where souls purify themselves of negative karma before being reborn.
The forms of Narakas and their characteristics are mentioned in different scriptures and they vary according to the scripture. While some mention 4 types of Naraka, others specify over 28.
Here we list 9 types of Narakas mentioned in Hindu scriptures and who is subjected to each of them.
- Tamisram (Heavy flogging):
Those who rob others of their wealth are bound with ropes by Yama’s Servants and cast into the Naraka known as Tamisram. There, they are given a thrashing until they bleed and faint. When they recover their senses, the beating is repeated. This is done until their time is up.
2. Andhatamtrsam (Flogging):